Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 5:35 PM

To make it simple and easy for everyone involved we will build up a database of frequently asked questions.

By scanning through these questions you can save waiting for us to reply. We normally get back to people that ask questions very quickly but not always so it could save you a wait.

If your question is not answered here or you need specific information please find our email on the Contact Us page.

1. What countries do you treat people in?
At the moment we just have connections with treatment facilities in Spain , Thailand and Switzerland.
We do NOT work with any clinics in the USA. Any USA leads need to be pre-qualified as wanting to come to Europe or at least leave the USA for treatment.

2. What kind of *management fee can you pay?
Due to the way the *management fee structure works we can pay up to £306, €425, $456 cpa for certain clinics and up to 4% of patient spend in others..

3. Can you Pay Per Call?
The short answer is no.
The problem with pay per call is that you can get maybe a $100 commission from other rehab affiliate programs even if the final customer spends $500`000. This gives no incentive for you at all.
The USA based rehabs and treatment centers need to do it this way because of specific laws regarding marketing to medical patients.
We are different as we are not USA based and have no connection with the USA.

4. Can you take the calls if i want to do live transfer?
Yes we can take the calls and set you up with a dedicated phone number.
We handle everything to free you up from daily mundane tasks which allows you to focus on your reach to connect more potential patients.

*Management fee is our industry wording for commission